ever have one of those days? where you are not sad but just sort of blah?
well do i have the cure for you.
i woke up this morning with the "huh its only tuesday? " feeling. yup it was.
so i started my morning off with a little retail therapy from anthro (because you know online is open at any time including 6am when i wake up)
my splurges for the day...
ok i know the coat is a bit much but i HAD to have it :)
then after working a long morning in the office i decided it was time to work from a more suitable environment, The City Deli. but first i had to stop and reward myself for getting to work by 7 and to ease the pain that it is still only tuesday.
thank you peanut store.
i worked away the rest of the day cozied up listening to some ray lamontagne. you need to give him a try. he is the perrrfect artist for fall/winter weather. love him!
okay one last thing to perk up my tuesday. well, two actually.
i stole a vintage sweater from the floor of found. do not worry though i brought in 15 fresh awesome winter/fall ready vintage sweaters. all under $35. hand knit amazingness.
and the last thing, susan and i are going to happy hour at pereddis after a long day of hard work. :) (shes working on a table right now for our friends at JbandMe, we have furniture and home goods there now!).
the only person who won't be too happy about my anthro splurge or my pereddis date is this guy.

<--- That is my husband
Ok so not to end on a grumpy husband note, how about a picture of me on a plane?
what? still no?
ok we'll end on baby binks.