Lately it seems I've been doing a lot of design work. And that can mean a lot of things...
I've been doing design for about 25 years. Yes, I am that old. And sometimes it's really fun and inspiring and sometimes it's just, well, work. But every once in awhile you have a client you really enjoy.
One night this week I had an appoinmtment with a young couple who had come through our apartment during the Up On the Rooftops event back in December.
They just bought their first house and wanted to put a plan together for where to begin with redecorating and making the house their own. And here is what I liked so much about working with them...
* They know what they liked but also knew they needed help achieving it and were wise enough to invest in design help before they started renovations. So many people hire a designer after they have already tried to do it on their own and end up with the unneccessary expense of redoing choices that didnt work
* They listened to my advice - really listened and trusted the knowledge I have gained from years of experience.
* They had some fun pieces of artwork and furniture they didnt hesitate to suggest they would like to work with. I love when clients do that - it's what gives a space personality!
* And finally - after walking through the house and mapping out a starting point for renovation we discussed some specifics. And when I asked what element of design in our apartment had sparked their interest and inspired them their response was this: Well, we liked the kind of 'Liberal Michigan Woodsy' vibe you had..
To which my first reaction was ....what???? Because I am not a) from Michigan b) very political c) a deerhunter or anything close. But then I thought about it and went home and looked around and realized that ,actually, it was a really accurate description. I just never heard anybody use that before. And thats what I like about clients that think outside the box. I can tell we're going to have a lot of fun working together..
And if you would like to design your own unique image don't hesitate to call. In house design time is only $35.00 an hour. I would love to hear some of your ideas!
- Susan
Here are some pictures of my apartment!
Here are some pictures of my apartment!
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