
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Mud Room Re-Do!

Troy (mys husband that many of you know) and I have been slowly working on the mudroom (again), and it is coming together quite nicely. We got this couch last weekend at a resale shop, removed the skirt, and changed out the legs. I love how it looks much more polished now. Also, the couch pulls out into a bed (which by looks of it has never been used). We can have even more company now! The armchairs were found at a garage sale last summer for only $5… total. Can’t beat that!

We have been collecting pennants for decor since last summer, and we got the pennant pillow from our shop. It really fits the vintage/industrial “school” type feeling- especially when you add in the lockers/locker baskets that we have for storage. (By the way, I bought the Lockers from FOUND last summer before I was a partner!)

The entire wall of curtains only cost $120 (and a labor of love, of course). It is so much cheaper to do them yourself. I still have some finishing to do on them, but I tried to pick really great textures/prints that were still airy for the light to come through. It provides just the right amount of shade, I think. really tried to document some of the details & textures of the textiles in this post. We stole some items from other rooms (pillows, rugs, etc.) in the house, but I think that is good that our stuff is so interchangeable.

The lamp was made out of an old bushel basket that we hung with a lighting kit. The centerpiece on the coffee table is made out of vintage test tubes/beakers and filled with white beans. I hope to have fresh flowers in these during the summer.

The cubby on the wall was a gift from Pottery Barn. We filled it with small treasures & special pictures of my family. It is kind of hard to fill something like that without having it look cluttered, but I think I am happy with it for now.

As usual, Harper (my sweet dog that many of you also know) wanted some attention, too.

Hope you enjoyed looking at these pictures as much as we enjoyed decorating! - Kelley

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